Get Info of Government of Indore

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Indore Government and politics Total Number of Parliamentary Seats: 1
Member of Parliament: Mrs.Sumitra Mahajan
City Mayor: Mrs Malini Gaud
Legislator: Mr. Ashwin Joshi, Mr. Sudarshan Gupta, Mr. Ramesh Mendola, Mrs. Malini Gaud, Mr. Mahendra Hardia, Mr. Jeetu Jeerati
District Collector: Mr. Rakesh Shrivastava - IAS
The administration of Indore is formed of two tiers—a city-wide, and a local tier. Most of the regions surrounding the city are administered by the Indore Development Authority (IDA). IDA works as an apex body for planning and co-ordination of development activities in the Indore Metropolitan Region (IMR) comprising Indore and its agglomeration covering an area of 398.72 km. Indore is also a seat for one of the two parmanent benches of Madhya Pradesh High Court with Gwalior, the city, its agglomerates and other 12 districts of western Madhya Pradesh falls under the jurisdiction of Indore High Court.

IDA Indore

Indore Development Authority, Indore is a development agency for Indore. Major portion of Indore is developed by Indore Development Authorty. Its main objective is area development. A number of alternatives are available, and then the first job is to choose the correct alternative, second is look at the practicality of the projects. If a housing scheme is prepared, the very first point is that who will accommodate in that site. Secondly what commercial activities might be developed there. The provision for the physical connection of the scheme with the city, i.e. transportation facilities is taken into the account. Provision of water supply, sewage lines and electricity, plan for all is worked out in IDA.

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